Tuesday, February 23, 2010

                           PROTAPER ROTARY ENDODONTICS

16 yr. old female with large restoration over exposed pulp in 26.  She has symptoms of apical periodontitis( tenderness to percussion and difficulty in biting). Periapical changes can be seen over disto-buccal root.

Biomechanical preparation is achieved with Protaper(rotary) and copious irrigation.

The tooth is obturated when it is asymptomatic. 

28 yr. old male with incomplete RCT in 36. The restoration sealing access cavity is broken. Remaining caries can also be seen.

After completion of endodontic treatment.

18 yr./F with amalgam restoration in 26. The restoration was done on exposed pulp chamber and the cement base can be seen extruding into it.

After completion of Endodontic treatment with Protaper(rotary).

25 yr./F with carious exposure of 36.

After obturation.

                    36 with PA radiolucency.

              After Endodontic treatment. 2 distal canals can be seen.



1 comment:

dental@1234 said...

Root canal treatment, also called endodontic therapy, is necessary when the pulp of the tooth is infected following significant caries, cracks in the enamel or a trauma (shock). If the inflamed or infected pulp is left untreated, it can cause pain or lead to an abscess. This treatment involves the removal of the infected pulp, the disinfection, and the filling and sealing of the root canal system. The tooth is then restored with a permanent filling or a crown. If anyone is interested to know more about the courses then have a look into
Rotary endodontics