Monday, February 22, 2010

                                  PROCERA Bridge

       30 yr. old female reports with existing bridge from 13 to 23. History reveals congenitally missing Upper lateral incisors. Metal Ceramic bridge was used to replace missing teeth. Patient has the following problems with existing bridge:

  • It is bulky.
  • It is loose.
  • The metal shows through and teeth do not have translucence.
  • The shade is too white.
  • Teeth seem to be joined together.
  • Chipped ceramic.


There is spacing distal to upper left canine which has not been addressed.

Additionally she had swelling in upper lips a month ago.

Patient requests replacement with Zirconia crowns (she read about them on the internet).

IOPA radiograph reveals a improper RCT on 11 and PA radiolucency on 21. A single GP point can be seen in 11. It also seems to be over-filed.

Removal of the bridge reveals grossly over-reduced teeth, particularly canines. The margins are not smooth.

Endodontics is completed on 11 & 21. The existing bridge is being used for temporization in between appointments.

After completion of RCT's, the margins are improved. Impressions are taken and sent to the lab. Zirconia cores are checked for fit and margins and returned to the lab.

The Procera bridges are back from the lab. They are intentionally constructed in two parts.

The white Zirconia cores can be seen.

A tooth has been added distal to 23. It serves only aesthetic purpose and is not in function.

The new bridge is cemented in place using RelyX Unicem. The gingival contours will gradually adapt to the new bridge. Problems of shape, size, colour and contour have been addressed. The incisal edges follow the lower lip contour(smile line). The teeth do not appear joined together.

Space closure has been achieved distal to 23.

The patient is visibly happy with her new bridge in place.



Dr. Hamid Raihan Ansari said...

Asak, It is nice to see this vibrant blog once again. You have done a great job for the patient as well as the dental community, which is ever in the need of practical knowledge like this one. I hope you continue the good work in future.

Unknown said...

salam zulfi bhai...great to see the work...its makes us feel proud........AMU KA TEMPO HIGH HAI......i wish dr alwi sees this blog....... well i wana know more abt the rates and the labs in india that do it .....

Unknown said...

salaam zulfi bhai.mubarak ho,u have presented ur brilliant work excellently on blog.hope w`ll see more work in future inshaAllah......