Saturday, September 15, 2012

Endodontic treatment of Geminated Canine

 An unusual presentation of a Canine (13) with periapical pathology showing an extra tooth structure on the mesial side.
On closer inspection, the pulp chambers seem connected. Since there is no missing tooth in the area, it looks like a case of Gemination.

After access opening, length determination of primary root is carried out.

Attempt is made to negotiate the additional root canal but the double curvature does not yield. The tooth  is unlikely to heal unless the additional root is endontically treated or resected.

Surgical intervention is planned. A flap is raised and the additional root resected. The resulting perforation is sealed off with GIC.

 Master cone placed.

Post Obturation radiograph. 

The bony defect is expected to fill up in time. 
To be reviewed in 3 & 6 months.....