Monday, May 28, 2012

On the MB2 trail

A carious exposed 16 requiring Endodontic treatment.

Initial working length determination using hand files.
Closer inspection of pulpal floor reveals another Mesiobuccal orifice. A faint canal can also be seen on radiograph.
The incidence of MB2 canal in Maxillary Ist & 2nd Molars is quite high and time should be devoted to to its location and treatment. 

Both MB canals have been located. It exibits a Type III  canal anatomy.

Post obturation radiograph .Protaper rotary files were used for canal preparation. 

Post obturation radiograph taken from another angle to see better separation of canals. 

Tuesday, May 01, 2012

Wrong turn !

A patient reports with symptoms of  pulpitis and apical periodontitis in 47. The tooth has a # filling.

 An obstruction is encountered in  the apical third of distal canal.

A precurved file and tactile feeling help negotiate a sharp distal bend in the apical third.

The distal canal is prepared by hand filing in the  apical third and Protaper rotary in coronal and middle third.
Mesial root has a Type II canal anatomy and is prepared with Protaper rotary files.


After final Obturation using 6% master cone and lateral condensation technique.